Zoneu Auþorisat continues to cover the Second Annual Convention of Free Democrats of Talossa. Today, Ián Tamorán delivered the third speech of the event (read also: speech by S:reu Válcadác’h and speech by S:reu Marcianüs): I speak here as an individual - myself, and not in any official capacity. At base there is the prime question: “who chooses the monarch?”. If the monarch, once chosen, cannot ever legally deposed, then we have to consider extremely carefully the political and executive powers of the monarch. There is a fundamental principal in democracy – indeed, in all regimes widely recognised as democracies across the world – that no election means no power. If any immutable power is conferred upon any individual then that regime is de facto a dictatorship – perhaps a benevolent dictatorship, but a dictatorship none the less. If, on the other hand, the monarch can be legally deposed, then what the fundamental constitution of the realm should cover is how that deposition should take place and how the subsequent monarch (if any) should be chosen. The fundamental constitution may not, of course, exist: in the case of Talossa we have layers of Laws, one layer of which (the Organic Law) overrides all others. If there is no detailed specification of this act of deposition in any of the laws, then it is up to those that have power to say how that should be done. And if, for example, the then monarch can veto any such change prior to its being effected (a political or executive power) then we are back to the condition of dictatorship (or tyranny). There may be no legal way to depose a monarch – but if that, ultimately, is what the people, in bulk, want then by action legal or illegal the monarch will be deposed. This is revolution. Revolution cannot be fully prior planned, or else it would not be revolution. Subsequent to revolution the structure and content of the laws, the structure of the legislature and executive and all parts of governance might also be reconsidered – it might not, or be subject to only small alterations – in a revolution who can say what the consequences will be? We have, in Talossa at the moment, a difficult series of questions to consider, and deep thoughts to make about the future structure of this realm. My personal opinion is not necessarily my legal opinion. My personal opinion here would be to consider the possibility for a Cort to declare:
firstly that Justice is prior to Law – those sitting are Justices not judges;
then that the Laws of Talossa are prior to all other laws;
then that the Anglo/American systems of justice are only advisory, not binding (Talossa may, at its pleasure, choose different processes);
then that the Constitution of the United States of America, whilst being an interesting, informative and very well-written document, is not part of the Law of Talossa (I stand to be corrected here);
furthermore that the techniques used in other realms for appointing monarchs are instructive and not, of themselves, in any way binding upon Talossa;
then that all political and executive powers must be granted by the people alone, and that such grants of power must be temporary, else there is no democracy;
then that all offices of state, including that of the monarch, are subject to the will of the people, expressed through the elected legislature or determined by referendum, else – again – there is no democracy;
and ultimately, that it is for the people to decide – with or without the Law on their side – to choose, and how to choose, the monarch. (This last point, that of suggesting the Law be surpassed, would be difficult for a Cort to make – but is a part of what we, as a nation, must consider).
Whatever any Cort declares, it is – finally – the people that choose. And the people will choose. We have had a revolution before. We have appointed a new monarch before, using such Laws as were then at our disposal, and interpreting those Laws in a way that best fitted Justice at that time. We can do so again. Looking at the mood of the realm, I suspect that we shall do so again.
At least two more speeches are expected; then the Convention will start dealing with it's business.
This is a Talossan version of the article translated by Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial. ConDemLiv: Discuors da Ián Tamorán
Zoneu Auþorisat continua à coverarh el Secund Congreßeu Aresc dels Democrätsen Livereschti da Talossa. Oxhi, Ián Tamorán delivereva el tierçéu discuors del evint (liretz-voi ocsà: discuors par S:reu Válcadác'h es discuors par S:reu Marianüs):
Éu parléu aicì com’iens individual - éu steçéu, es non in ingen titreu uficial. Àl baseu ja la primă fragă: "¿qi çoiça el monarc'h?". Schi el monarc'h, viens fäts çoiçat, non put txamais estarh deposat lexhitalmint, aglhorc noi tiennent à considerarh extrem várlegămint els pevarhen politicais es executíus del monarc'h. Ja’iens principal fundamaintschal in la democraçù - echida, in toct i reitxims qi sint amplexmint reconeiçats come democraçuns över el mundeu - qe aucün eleziun volt zirarh aucün pevarh. Schi ingen pevarh unmüdaval isch conferat àð ingen individual aglhorc acest reitxim c’e de facto ün dictatür - salacor ün dictatür benvelind, mas nondamhíus ün dictatür. Schi, altramint, el monarc'h put estarh deposat lexhitalmint, aglhorc qet la constituziun fundamaintschak del reic'h fostadra coverarh isch come această deposiziun fostadra paßarh es come el monarc'h acterneu (schi ingen) fostadra estarh çoiçat. La constituziun fundamaintschal put-estarh, da c'horsica, non exista: in gcaucă da Talossa noi tiennent dels laieirs da Legeux, viens laieir da qet (el Legeu Orgänic) desec'ha toct d’alter. Schi non ja’iensă specificaziun d’acest praxel da deposiziun in ingen dels legeux, aglhorc c’e el deveir d’acestilor-là qi tiennent el pevarh da zirarh come acest fostadra estarh fäts. Es schi, per exampal, el aglhorc-monarc'hà put veto·içarh ingen tal chinxh avant ça isch institutescu (ün pevarh political eda executíu), aglhorc noi reviennent àl cundiziun da dictatür (eda türonteríă). Salacor non ja’iens vej lexhital da deposarh ün monarc'h - mas schi acest, crainămint, c’e qet el pópul, in maßiveu, volt aglhorc par ün aziun lexhital eda unlexhital el monarc'h serà deposat. Acest c’e revoluziun. Revoluziun non put planescu complätsmint anteriourmint, schinò non c’estadra revoluziun. Acterneu àl revoluziun, el strütür es las cuntenonçăs dels legeux, el strütür del lexhislatíu es executíu es toct pärtsilor da governançă fortaßis fostadrent estarh ricunsidereschti - fortaßis non, eda solămint cün cambiaziuns minins - ¿qi put zirarh qet serent las consequençuns?
In Talossa àl momaintsch, noi tiennent à considerarh ünă rangadă unfáþil da fragăs, es façarh dals pensaziuns profundăs över el strütür d’acest reic'h in fütür. V’opiniun perziunal non c’e neceßarmint v’opiniun lexhital. V’opiniun aicì estadra considerarh la pouçivalità qe ün Cort zesclara:
pirmeis qe la Xhusticiă isch avant el Legeu - acestilor-là qe siegent sint axhents dal Xhusticiă, non cadins;
aglhorc q’els Legeux da Talossa sint avant toct altreux legeux;
aglhorc q’els süstems angloAmericaes da xhusticiă sint solămint cunseglhinds, non vincülind (Talossa put-estarh, à ça plaschair, çoiça dals proceßăs unterschidlec'hs);
aglhorc qe la Constituziun dels Estats Viensiçeschti d’Americă, quand qe c’e intzereçind, informatíus es ün documenteu ben-scriut, non c’e’n pärts del Legeu da Talossa (éu stéu àð estarh leidrestat aicì);
masmint qe las tec'hnicăs qe sint uçadăs in altreux reic'hs per apüntarh dels monarc'hs sint instrucatíus es non, da ça steçéăs, vincülinds ingenvej pa Talossa;
aglhorc qe toct i pevarhen politicais es executíus fossent estarh grantats par solămint el pópul, es qe tais grantaziuns da pevarhen fossent estarh tempuraes, schinò non ja democraçù.
aglhorc qe toct uficiais d’estat, comprís el monarc'h, sint enclins àl pedit del pópul, exprimat trans el lexhislatíu electat eda zesterminat par ün referendüm, schinò - da nhouă - non ja democraçù.
es finalmint, qe c’e per el pópul à zecidarh - cün eda sanc el Legeu in lor sidă - à çoiçarh, es come çoiçarh, el monarc'h. (Acest lasteu pointeu, acest da suxhestarh q’el Legeu estadra superpaßat, estadra ünă aziun unfáþil pr’iens Cort - mas c’e’n pärts de qet noi, com’iensă naziun, fossent considerarh).
Qétsevol ingen Cort zesclara, c’e - finalmint - el pópul qi çoiça. Es el pópul çoiçarha. Noi tiennent tenescu ünă revoluziun avant. Noi tiennent apüntat ün noveu monarc'h avant, uçind els Legeux qi à’cest temp füvent avalavais à nhoi, es interpretind acestilor legeux-là in ünă façiun qi descheva à miglhor vía àl Xhusticiă à’cest temp. Noi en povent façarh da nhouă. Quand q’éu risguardéu la glünă in el reic'h, éu suspect’ qe noi en façarhent da nhouă. À mhíus doua pü discuorsen sint expecteschti; aglhorc el Congreßeu començarha àð adreßarh ça’ns afars.
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