Talossan Time (TST) | Cezembre Time (CZT)

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Possible 2017 Arestadă Proposal by Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial

Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, an active enthusiast of El Glheþ, and our newspaper's translator, has proposed ideas for a possible reform of Talossan Language.

He has pointed out that Talossan orthography is not really settled and that there is still plenty of room for standartization and consensus. He has asked whether anyone is interested in further discussing the ideas and proceeded to specify what they were.

Initially, S:reu Tafial proposes the following:
  1. Take the pre-2007 orthography.
  2. Respell î as i before n or m. [ɨ] becomes an allophone of /i/ before nasals. (s)cî becomes (s')chi and ciî becomes ci in the same environment.
  3. Respell ii as i in all instances except for fiir, fiis, fiirtà and maritiimi.
  4. Respell û as u and ø as ö in all instances.
  5. Respell ë as e in all instances except for the infinitive ending of irregular verbs; -arë and -irë become -ar and -ir respectively. The wort becomes .
  6. Respell gñh as gnh in all instances. Respell remaining ñ as ng in all instances. Respell nh where it represents the sound [ɲ] as gnh, unless it is the result of an earlier consonant mutation.
  7. Respell sh where it represents the sound [ʃ] as sch. Respell s-ch as schc before e and i, as schtsch word-finally and as schci anywhere else.
  8. Replace çh with g in the words abçhad, açharar, açhasour, baba-çhanúxh, Haçhar, isnaçhoçhâ, parpaçhar, praisaçhar, faraçhognhâ and meçháirâ. Respell çh as gh anywhere else.
  9. Respell â as a in all instances. Replace word-final unstressed a with ă in feminine nouns and adjectives. ă is retained even if suffixes are added or if the feminine word is used in a prepositional construction. (e.g. soleu > solă > solămint; cauçă > per gcauçă da etc.)
  10. Establish the following stress rule:Irregular stress is marked with an acute accent (grave accent if word-final) on a, e, i, u, ä, ö, ü and å and with a circumflex on o. Hiatus between unstressed strong vowels are represented with an apostrophe. Remove all superfluous stress marks; the words à, àð, àl, àls and retain their grave accents. Stress falls on the syllable containing the final vowel that is either marked with an umlaut or ring (ä, ö, ü or å) or followed by a consonant, after ignoring word-terminal -s and the word endings -en(s), -ent(s), -er(s), -esch(en), -eu(x), -ică(s), -ic(i), -(esch)laiset(s), -lor, -mint(s), -p(h)äts, and -sqåb(s) (if the word ends with one of these). For the purposes of this rule, an i or u that immediately follows any vowel, and an e that immediately follows an a, are treated as consonants.
  11. Change the plural form of words ending in -an to -ans.
We'll see how the discussion goes. ZA supports the idea that Talossan Language is an extremely important part of our culture and is well worth developing.

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