Munditenens Tresplet, O.SPM, Senator from Maricopa and Interim President of the FreeDems, has announced the launch of Second Annual Convention of Free Democrats of Talossa.
"Welcome one and all to the Second Annual Convention of the Free Democrats of Talossa. I’m proud to hold this convention in the great province of Fiova, where my new collegue and our fellow party member Gödafrïeu Válcadác’h was just unanimously chosen to join me in the Senäts to represent this province!"
During the Convention, the Free Democrats will discuss and vote for amendments to their platform and party Constitution, along with electing their officers and dealing with other questions and suggestions that arise. Inxheneu Crova will make a speech for this Convention.
Zoneu Auþorisat wishes FreeDems a successful and enjoyable Convention!
This is a Talossan version of the article translated by Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial.
Munditenens Tresplet, O.SPM, Senator da Maricopa es Presidint Interíu dels DemLiv, tent anonçat l’inisch del Secund Congreßeu Aresc dels Democrätsen Livereschti da Talossa.
"Benveneschti viens es toct àl Secund Congreßeu Aresc dels Democrätsen Livereschti da Talossa. Éu sint fiir à holdarh acest congreßeu in la grült provinçù da Fiovă, ¡dove va noveu colega es noastra membreu fuliéns Gödafrïeu Válcadác'h füt txus çoiçat àl ünanimità àð idectarh cün me in el Senäts es representarh această provinçù!"
Dürant el Congreßeu, els Democrätsen Livereschti ziscutarhent es votarhent dels amendamaintschen à sieu platform es Constituziun dal parti, cumpair electarh sieux uficieirs es adreßarh altrăs fragăs es cüsüglhăs qe ariçent. Inxheneu Crova façarha ün discours per acest Congreßeu.
¡Zoneu Auþorisat chera q’els DemLiv tiennent ün Congreßeu riuschlat es voluc'htatíu!
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