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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Provincial Activity In The Aftermath Of General Election

In the meanwhile of the zugzwang situation with the Electoral Commitee, where we Talossans constantly fail to decide who should it be who verifies the election results, let's take a look at what's going on in our provinces.

Atatürk is sure a quiet place. Last 5 threads of the provincial board were written and commented on by a single person: our Minister of STUFF Sevastáin Pinátsch. It's a philosophical question what's better: bad news or no news at all, but this province seems to prefer the latter. There are some good news though: the aforementioned minister was reёlected as the Senator for Atatürk (defeating Brad Holmes). Provincial assembly elections were won by MRPT, closely followed by RUMP. The province doesn't seem to care much about seat distribution now, though. Actually, last 4 threads of the province are about the Senate. What else is there?

In Benito, things are more lively. Iason Taiwos, in part for the sake of not letting the provincial activity die, stood up to oppose Lüc da Schir in the Senäts race, much to appreciation of the latter. Da Schir has won the race. There was a respectful and enjoyable competition between the two. Benitian Assembly seats have already been distributed, with ModRads getting 6 seats, New Peculiar Way - 3 seats, and the Republicans - 2 seats. The leader of Republicans is currently in search for people to fill the position.

The province of Cézembre saw no Senate election this time. L'États de Cézembre saw it's seats distributed this way: RUMP and Free Democrats both gained 7 seats, MRPT has 5 seats and the Republicans - one seat. After the GE, according to Cézembrean Constitution, the province holds an election of the provincial leader - Sénéchal. As the incumbent Sénéchal is running for the office again, he has appointed some particular Alèxandreu Soleighlfred to conduct the election. The process is now awaiting access for the provincial database from Martí-Pair Furxheir.

 In Fiôvâ, nothing was happening until Miestrâ Schivâ, UrN, the previous provincial SoS, stepped in to declare the Senatorial Elections (due to absence of incumbent Senator) and handed it's conduct to S:reu Furxheir, Talossan Secretary of State. The new Fiôvân Senator if Gödafrïeu Válcadác'h.

In Florencia, nothing happens...

...but if you ever try to find a dictionary definition of "nothing happens", Maricopa is sure to be mentioned there.

Not much more so in Maritiimi-Maxhestic, where Ian Plätschisch has nominated himself for the office of Grand General Secretary and seems to be the only one interested in position. Ian has also appointed the 13th convocation of the M-M Assembly.

Last but not the least, in Vuode Eðo Grischun was reëlected as provincial Senator despite not being on the ballot. Things are unclear, though, because of his opponen't (V) demand for recount. This demand caused huge misunderstanding between him and the Secretary of State. The issue seems to be more or less undecided as of now. The process of convening the provincial legislative assembly, Etats Xhenerals, didn't go very far as well too.

Here's hoping the we will decide all these questions as soon as possible. Provincial activities sure need a boost.