It was 2 of December, when the voting was finished and the provisional results of the Election were published by our Secretary of State. It is now 17 of December, and the results aren't official yet.
What happened there? Let's try and understand the law under it.
There's an entity called the Electoral Commission. It is described in the Org.VII.6 as follows:
"Votes submitted privately shall be submitted to and available only to an
Electoral Commission, consisting of the Secretary of State and the
three Justices of the Uppermost Court."
When the elections are over, this Electoral Commission is to check and validate results, and if those are validated, declare them official.
The catch is: there's currently only one member in the EC: the Secretary of State Martí-Pair Furxheir.
Let's dig further. What were we doing during the previous elections? Here's a quote from His Majesty after the 49th General Elections:
"At the time of the recent General Election, there were two Justices
already on the Uppermost Cort — Dame Litz Cjantscheir and S:reu Ian
Tamorán —, both of whom have graciously agreed to serve on the Election
Commission (or Electoral Commission, depending) together with the
Secretar d'Estat. To fill out the Commission, I hereby name Dr. Txec
Nordselva, who was a Magistrate at the time of the Election.
My thanks to all four Commissioners."
So, the King stepped in and explicitely named the four members of EC. That time, no one seemed to have problems with that.
Now the situation is as follows: there are five Justices in Cort Pü Inalt (Uppermost Court),
King says nothing, and it is uncertain who is in position to declare the EC members this election. Suddenly it turns out, King has no such right.
This situation points us to two laws: the aforementioned clause in the OrgLaw and the Election Guidance Act, passed during the 47th Cosa. What does it say?
13. The Election Commission and Secretary of State shall fulfill the
duty of certifying election results, as specified in Org.VII.6,
according to these guidelines.
13.1. The SoS will send them a reminder of their duties at the start of the election.
It turned out the Secretary of State sent no reminder to EC members for a simple reason that the EC didn't yet exist. He pointed that it was the king's duty to nominate the EC, and he asked the King to do so.
They should notify the SoS that they are willing and able to verify
ballots, while the election is still going on. If they fail to respond
to a further reminder, the Secretary of State should notify the nation.
None of that happened.
Right now situation is difficult: only the Secretary of State has validated the votes. So here are the obvious questions:
1. What is the current status of the EC? Does it exist or not?
2. If it does exist, who does it comprise from? The members of EC during the previous elections? Or (as Justice Edwards seems to think) all members of Cort Pü Inalt?
3. If it doesn't exist, whose duty is it to form the EC and when?
4. As there are no Magistrates now in the UC, if the replacement is needed, from whom does the King choose?
The following is opinion of ZA editorial.
Current law has nothing to say neither about when and how EC starts to exist, nor whether and when it dissolves. That's an obvious flaw in our legislative. There's nothing about King naming the EC, only the substitutes in case it's needed. All that the OrgLaw has to say is that the EC consistsof SoS and 3 Uppermost Cort justices. We should probably follow the law by letter, not by intention (though some might disagree), so the problem is - which 3 of 5 Justices of UC are to form the EC? Last time, it were Dame Litz Cjantscheir, S:reu Ian Tamorán and Dr. Txec Nordselva. We can't just let all of the Justices in: the law does obviously need to be changed, but right now it says three, and three isn't five.
The most natural decision would be to comprise the EC from the previous 3 members of it. We don't have time to find an ideal solution under a disfunctional law. We need a Cosa to fix the law and we need it fast.
13.2. After the election is concluded, within one week the members of
the Commission should go through the ballots and mark them as valid or
invalid, by whatever procedure is established by the Chancery.
It's two weeks and counting, and we don't have an EC yet.
This is a Talossan version of the article translated by Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial.
C’esteva li 2. Zecemvar, quand qe la votaziun füt finischadă es las resultaes provinciais dal Eleziun füvent püblicadăs par noastra Secretar d’Estat. Nun c’e li 17. Zecemvar, es las resultaes non sint adüc uficiais.
¿Qet paßeva aicì? Qe noi atentadrent à cumprencarh el legeu davant ça.
Ja’iensă entità, nominadă la Comità Electoral. C’e zescríut in el Org.VII.6 come sova:
"Las votăs qe sint zonadăs privätsmint serent zonadăs à es solămint avalaval à’iens Comità Electoral, qi qomsista el Secretar d’Estat es els tres Cadins del Cort Pü Inalt."
Quand qe las eleziuns sint finischadăs, această Comità Electoral fost controlarh es conprovarh las resultaes, es schi aceastăs sint conprovadăs, zesclararh-en come uficiais.
El problüm isch: ja actüellmint solămint viens membreu in la CE: el Secretar d’Estat Marti-Pair Furxheir.
Qe noi cavadrent piusutra. ¿Qet façevent-noi dürant las eleziuns previösen? Veiçi ünă quotaziun da Sieu Maxhestà osprei las 49:t Eleziuns Xhenerais:
"Àl temp dal Eleziun Xheneral recent, hi füvent detxa doua cadins pa’l Cort Pü Inalt - Damă Litz Cjantscheir es S:reu Ian Tamorán - embù tiennent agreeschti cortösămint à sietxarh àl Eleziun sè Comità (eda Comità Electoral, ça dependa) cumpair el Secretar d’Estat. Compiaçind la Comità, éu preventüra coptéu D:r Txec Nordselvă, qi estev’iens Edilicieu àl temp dal Eleziun.
Vaes graschciăs à toct i qátor comiziuneirs"
Sa, el Regeu intervençeva es copteva explicadămint els membreux dal CE. À’cest temp, neviens tignhova dels problüms cün acest, finxhivalmint.
Nun la situaziun isch com’acest: j’ont simca Cadins in el Cort Pü Inalt, el Regeu zía níþil, es c’e uncertan qi’st in mensür à zeclararh els membreux dal CE in această eleziun. À repental, ça abosta q’el Regeu non tent acest drept.
Acestă situaziun noi püntaça à doua legeux: la clauçă menziunadă pü frü in el Legeu Orgänic es l’Äcts da Föronçă d’Eleziun, qe füt validat dürant la 47:t Cosă. ¿Qet zía-ça?
"13. L’Eleziun sè Comità es el Secretar d’Estat rompliarhent el deveir da certifiarh dals resultaes d’eleziuns, come isch specifichescu in Org.VII.6, eftir aceastăs guidalignhăs.
13.1. El SdE lor envoxhiarha ünă remeindă da lors deveirs àl inisch dal eleziun."
Ça abosta q’el Secretar d’Estat non envoxhieva aucün remeindă àls membreux dal CE cair la raziun simpil qe la CE non existeva adüc. O püntaça qe c’esteva el deveir del Regeu da coptarh la CE, es o zemandeva àl Regeu q’o en fäts:
"Os avisadrent el SdE q’os volent and povent comprovarh dels scrütins, quand qe l’eleziun resta continuarh. Schi os failent à respúnsarh à’iensă remeindă proximă, el Secretar d’Estar avisadra la naziun."
Níþil d’acest paßeva.
Strax, la situaziun isch unfáþil: solămint el Secretar d’Estat tent conprovat las votăs. Sa aicì j’ont las fragăs oviösen:
1. ¿Qet isch el statüs actüell dal CE? ¿Exista-ça eda non?
2. Schi ça exista, ¿qi qomsista-ça? ¿Els membreux dal CE dürant las eleziuns previösen? ¿Eda (come Cadì Edwards abosta à pensarh) toct i membreux del Cort Pü Inalt?
3. Schi ça non exista, ¿qissen deveir isch-ça à formarh la CE es quand?
4. Parç qe non j’ont dels edilicieux in el CPI nun, schi el remplaçind isch neçeßar, ¿da qi çoiça el Regeu?
Ça qi sova isch l’opiniun del editorial da ZA.
Els legeux corentici non tent níþil à zirarh ni över quand es come la CE comença à existarh, ni siat es quand ça isch zißolvadă. Acest c’e’n zesfaut oviös in noastra lexhislatíu. Non ja níþil över el Regeu coptind la CE, solămint els substitüts in gcauçă q’acest isch neceßar. Toct q’el Legeu Orgänic tent à zirarh isch qe la CE qomsista el SdE es tres cadins dal Cort Pü Inalt. Noi força sovadrent el legeu par la letră, non par la intenziun (ainda qe qualseviensen sa’starh non agréent), sa el problüm isch - ¿quáisevois 3 da 5 cadins dal CPI fost formarh la CE? In el temp lasteu, füvent Damă Litz Cjantscheir, S:reu Ian Tamorán es D:r Txec Nordselvă. Noi non povent simplamint laßarh toct i cadins entrarh: oviösmint, el legeu fost estarh cambiat, mas mimtenimt ça zía tres, es tres non c’e simca.
La zeciziun la phü natüral estadra compriçarh la CE dals 3 membreux previösen d’acest. Noi non tiennent del temp per trovarh ünă soluziun ideal sub ün legeu unfunziunal. Noi neceßent ünă Cosă per fixar el legeu, es noi en neceßent rapíumint.
"13.2. Osprei qe l’eleziun isch concludadă, els membreux dal Comità föglhetadran els scrütins es en marcadrent come valáivel eda infierm, par qétsevol procedançeu qe c’e establischescu par la Cantzelería."
C’e două seifetziuăs es pü, es noi non tiennent adüc ünă CE.
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